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special_areas:rockcriticism 2009/06/29 00:52 special_areas:rockcriticism 2024/01/07 16:56 current
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-  + 
-  + 
-  +====== Bands who are said to sound like the Doors but don't ====== 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  +With the Stranglers, presence of keyboard might be an explanation. The others, I don't get 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-====== Bands who are said to sound like the Doors but don't ======  + 
-  + 
-  +==  == 
-  + 
-With the Stranglers, presence of keyboard might be an explanation. The others, I don't get  + 
-  + 
-  +Echo & the Bunnymen 
-  + 
-==  ==  + 
-  + 
-Echo & the Bunnymen  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-==  ==  +==  == 
-  + 
-Teardrop Explodes  + 
-  + 
-  +Teardrop Explodes 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-==  ==  + 
-  + 
-Stranglers  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  + 
-  +==  == 
-====== The overstated roles of Boz Scaggs in early Steve Miller Band and Peter Frampton in Humble Pie ======  + 
- + 
 +====== Overstated Roles of Band Members ====== 
 +==  == 
 +Boz Scaggs in early Steve Miller Band 
 +Peter Frampton in Humble Pie 
special_areas/rockcriticism.1246236749.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/02/03 03:20 (external edit)
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